Playing Area
Forbidden zone- Approximately 3 metres in diameter players are NOT allowed to stand in the forbidden zone or touch the ball while in contact with the ground in the forbidden zone (ON the line is considered IN the zone). Players are allowed to temporarily land in the zone (as long as they do not have the ball in their hand) but must leave it quickly. A scoring attempt MUST make it out of the forbidden zone in order to count. The line marking the Forbidden zone is considered still IN the forbidden zone.
Sidelines/Baselines - Much like volleyball if the ball hits the line it is considered IN the court. A player may step on but NOT over the sidelines/baselines with the ball. Stepping over the sidelines/baselines when in possession of the ball would result in a loss of possession or point being awarded to opponent (if it is an attempt to catch a shot).
Out of bounds - The ceiling, walls and any fixtures attached to either are considered out of bounds. A Shot off the frame that touches one of these is a dead ball and a restart from that point. If a defending team makes contact with the ball before it going out of bounds it is considered a failed catch and a point for the attacking team.
Restart Spots- To start a game captain play one game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” winner gets the ball in their choice of restart spots. If an attacking team gets a point, the defending team gets the ball in their choice of restart spots.
For simplicity sake we will call the team with the ball attempting to score the “Attacking team” and the team defending the “Defending Team”. The objective of the game is to score more points than your opponent. An Attacking team scores a point by throwing the ball off the rebound surface after a maximum of three passes. After the ball hits the surface, the ball must touch the floor outside of the forbidden zone to score a point. If the other team catches the ball before it hits the floor, neither team scores a point and the game continues.
Rules & Regulations:
RESPECT: PlayHamilton is dedicated to facilitating an open and inclusive environment for all regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion and/or athletic ability. Players, referees, scorekeepers and spectators are to be respected and respectful at all times. The nature and culture of Tchoukball is founded on positive, inclusive and friendly competition. If any participant is unable to uphold this culture they can and will be asked to leave.
Regular season games are self-refereed. Any discrepancy in a call results in a “do-over”. For example, if a defending player feels they were fouled but the attacking player disagrees no point would be awarded and the attacking player would get a throw in from the restart spot.
Scorekeepers are present to assist in keeping the game fast and enjoyable for all. While Tchoukball is intended to be a self-refereed game in the interest of safety and/or overall enjoyment of the game Scorekeepers may implement their right to step in as a referee in order to diffuse a heated game. As a referee, their calls are final and arguing would be considered unsportsmanlike and could result in a player's exclusion from the game. Playoffs will have 2 referees when possible.
All players must sign a waiver prior to participating.
Games consist of three periods (running time). Periods are 15 mins with 3rd period being 10 minutes if time has run long. Games start with 1 game of Rock Paper Scissors – Winner gets the ball at a restart spot. 2nd period the team that lost RPS starts with ball and 3rd set goes to losing team or another match of RPS.
Teams of 5-8 max. Teams should have matching colours on. 5 players on the court (2 female players minimum). Substitutions happen at the bench and on the fly. *Teams may play with 4 players with out defaulting. If a team is short players they may borrow maximum 1 player to make a maximum of 5. IF a player is missing a female player they may borrow max 1 female player (if they only have 1 female player they will play max 4 on). Teams can NOT borrow players during playoffs. Players must play minimum 2 regular season games to participate in playoffs. - See Grace period rules below for more information...
NEW: Grace period - Teams have a 7 minute window at the beginning of each set to have their minimum 4 players (at least 1 female) present and on the court. A team must have at least 3 players present to use the "grace period". The game starts on time during the "grace period" and the team can play with minimum 3 players (any gender) during this 7 minute period. If the team still does not have 4 registered players (min 1 female) after the grace period THAT SET ONLY IS CONSIDERED a default and teams are welcome to mix up or continue playing for the love of the game until the end of the 15 minute set. If a team's players arrive during the grace period or for the second set they may come on to the court to play as usual (the set would count).
Winning team at 15 minutes gets the "point" for the period (much like winning a set in volleyball). Team to win 2 or 3 periods wins game but all points count towards a teams standings.
If the score is tied at the end of 15 minutes a 1 minute sudden death over time is played immediately. If no one scores in that time the point is split between the teams. Overtime in the 1st and 2nd period may result in a shortened 3rd period due to time restrictions of the facility. The scorekeeper will make this call.
Standings: 2 points = won game (2/3 sets) 1 point each = tie game (split sets and no winner after OT)
Teams ranked at end of regular season.
If there a tie in points following tie breaker will decide the rankings;
Individual sets differential (+/-)
Head to Head
Coin Toss
The ball is air filled and slightly smaller than a volleyball but bigger than a softball.
The attacking team has a maximum of three passes before it must shoot at a rebounding surface (Tips or Defection when attacking count as passes). An "inbound pass" at the restart spot or from out of bounds does NOT count as a pass. Tips/Deflection when defending a shot do NOT count as passes.
Players have 3 steps and 3 seconds with the ball. Defending teams must count 3 steamboats if they think a player has held it too long. If a player violates this rule it is a turn over.
The following will result in a turnover...
The ball is dropped during a pass.
Ball bounces before the rebound surface or misses it.
Ball hits the metal outer frame it is a turnover. In other words the ball does not follow the expected angle as a result of hitting the outside metal part of the frame. *Advantage is given if defending team catches a "frame ball" and play continues from that spot. IF there is no advantage the defending team inbounds the ball with one foot behind any part of the baseline.
Ball goes out of bounds or player holding it steps over the sideline or baseline (on the line is IN...over the line is out)
A defending player is blocked or interfered with while attempting to catch the ball off the frame. No point is given and play begins from the spot of foul.
An attacking player must be given "right of way" to the frame and their throw can not be impeded even unintentionally. Doing so will result in a "redo" from the spot of the foul with 3 more passes.
Turnovers are throws (no steps allowed) from the spot of the foul. Teams must pass at least once before attempting at a frame and the first throw counts as a pass.
If the attacking team misses the frame, touches the ball after it's hit the frame or the ball fails to hit the court outside of the forbidden zone (line of zone is considered still inside the zone) the defending team gets the ball at the base line. Defending team must have one foot behind baseline to throw in (*note does not count as a pass).
Sideline turnovers happen where the ball went out. Sidelines and baselines are considered in the court of play. A ball that hits these lines is considered in. A defending player who makes contact with the out of bounds (anything past the sidelines/baseline) while contacting the ball results in a point for the attacking team. A defending player must land fulling inbounds (on the line not over it) to be awarded the catch.
Dropped balls are turnovers at the spot it bounced.
A team once scored on starts with the ball at the restart spot. *First pass does not count towards a teams 3.
There are no designated sides (each team may shoot the ball at either rebound).
It is illegal to intercept a pass from the other team or block a shot (doing so is a free throw for the attacking team and a fresh 3 passes). It is the responsibility of the defending team to stay out of the way of an attacking team’s pass or shot on the rebound surface.
The only way to defend is to catch the ball off the rebound surface.
Just as it is the defending teams responsibility to give right of way to an attacking player, It is the responsibility of the attacking team to stay out of the way of a ball coming off the frame. If a rebounded ball hits an attacking player or an attacking player impedes a defender from catching the ball (deliberate or accidental) no point is earned by the attacking team and the defending team gets a free throw from the point of the foul.
If a player touches the ball while in contact with ground in the forbidden zone it is a foul. If this player is a defending team trying to catch a shot off the rebound surface the result is a point for the attacking team. If this is an attacking team it is a turn over and the defending team gets the ball at the baseline. It is the responsibility of all players to ensure it is clear they do not have possession of the ball when touching the forbidden zone.
Players are not allowed to play the ball with any part of their body from the knees down. Meaning if the ball makes contact with a player’s lower leg or feet it is a dead ball. This would result in a point for the attacking team if it was a defender trying to catch a rebounded ball. This would result in a turnover if an attacking team member used their lower leg or feet to catch or pass the ball. This is an honesty call and a safety rule – please call yourself if you feel it touch your lower leg or feet.
Tournament Details
•All players must sign a waiver and pay their fees prior to playing.
•Games start on time and are running time
•Teams must have a uniform (creativity is encouraged) or at least coordinate colour. Numbers NOT required.
•Games will have a referee/scorekeeper but in the spirit of the game we ask that teams is self-refereed meaning they are really only there to keep score and settle any discrepancies that the teams can’t. Expectation is that all players demonstrate sportsmanship at all times.
•The Tournament Coordinators are excited for a fun filled day of Tchoukball where everyone can come out and get a great day of exercise. If a player is not upholding the spirit of the tournament (I.e. Aggressive, dangerous, abusive, disrespectful and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour) the coordinators reserve the right to exclude the player and/or team from the tournament immediately and with out refund.