Tchoukball, the fast paced inclusive game that has you bouncing a ball off a mini trampoline! Fun for all ages and all abilities.
"Tchoukball is the fastest hand ball sport in the world today. It is a team sport of 5-8 players that unites all key sporting skills; athleticism, concentration, respect for oneself and the opposition and teamwork. "
Tchouckball is for you!
Introducing PlayHamilton, Hamilton's place to play something "outside the box". PlayHamilton's mission to introduce people to this exciting sport while providing an inclusive and enjoyable environment for all. The nice thing about Tchoukball is that nearly everyone is a "newbie". The sport gets you moving and has a position for everyone. If you like running around like crazy laying out for amazing catches...this is the sport for you. If you like a less strenuous pace and want to focus on catching and throwing...tchoukball has a place for you. This game emphasizes team work and competition without aggression, making it the perfect co-ed sport!
Check out the pictures and videos below...