Kids Dodgeball FAQ's
As we gear up for another exciting season there are some important announcements and information that will help your child have the best time at dodgeball.
HOW TO REGISTER? Registration along with info regarding age groups and cost at this LINK
We are happy to announce that we are in the same facility as last season in the Page Gym at Hillfield Strathallan College (located at 299 Fennell Ave. W.). When you arrive on campus you can park in either of the two parking lots on the left or right of the first stop sign (rainbow crosswalk). From the parking lot, you will need to walk to the left once under the covered walkway towards the main office. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please do not park in the drop off area (cars will be ticketed and towed). Once inside you will see a green door straight in front of you marked Page gym. From here enter and turn a quick right to find the stairs OR walk to end of walkway and turn right for stairs closest to stage...that will take you down into the gym. Spectators are welcome to watch from the stage area...we ask that parents supervise children on the stage as there is a climbing wall (out of bounds) on the stage and is not part of our rental. Smoking, vaping and alcohol are strictly prohibited on school property, thank you for helping us keep our permits and continue to play the game we all love.
We ask that players and parents arrive no more then 15 minutes prior to your game time
Ages 7-9 group play 6:00-6:50pm,
Ages 10-12 group play 6:55-7:45pm and
Age 13-15 group plays 7:50-8:40pm. We have only a few spaces remaining for registration so please ensure that you have secured your child's spot by paying league fees. This can be done in one of three ways...via credit card by logging into your dashboard at OR paying EMT ($120+HST) to OR send us an email to let us know if you intend to pay cash on the first day.
Players will need to have dry indoor shoes. Please be sure to change into these shoes before entering the gym as to avoid making the floor slippery. Shorts/jogging pants, t-shirt or sweatshirts are recommended. Players are welcome to wear gloves (not required) if they would like. Football receiver gloves are often the glove of choice...however many players do not wear gloves (a personal preference). Knee pads are also optional and up to personal preference. We recommend that players bring a water bottle and ask that parents ensure they are not breakable and seal well to avoid spills.
Week one will include an intro to your coaches and the game. The focus will be for players to get to know each other, the coaches and the game. New players to the game will have opportunities to ask questions and work with their coach. We ask that parents go over the rules of the game with their child prior to next Tuesday...please see the info graphics at the bottom of this email. While not an exhaustive list of the rules, they are a great summary of the major ones. GREAT NEWS...Coach Jake, Coach Adrian, Coach Sarah, Coach Emmitt and Coach Butter are back this season. Coach Lisa and Coach Amaris will also be around to help this season. Our coaching team has an impressive extent of experience with kid's, kid's sport and dodgeball (as well as other sports) at both the recreational and national level. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for players to learn the game, it's skills and strategies and develop as a player all while having a ton of fun doing it. Games are competitive, refereed and scores recorded through out the season. All teams make playoffs and we hold finals on the last week with the winning team hoisting a Play Hamilton trophy. All players will receive a Play Hamilton take home award on the final day. While games are competitive, players will also get to work on their individual and team skills through drills and fun dodgeball games. Participation, inclusion, kindness and respect are at the forefront of our mission statement at Play Hamilton and the number one focus of the coaches.
Week 1 players will be already assigned on a temporary team (made up of 5-10 players)...this is so that coaches can learn names and we can see everyone's level of play and experience (this list will be posted Monday or Early Tuesday next week). Through week 2 we will draft four teams and connect each with a coach for the season. We do our best to accommodate friend requests and can guarantee pairs. Please ensure you make us aware of a friend request via email by the end of the first week.
While not an exhaustive list here are the basic rules in infographic form for quick reference...